Green Germany? How to Tackle Umweltpolitik in a Shifting International Order

Een DAAD-lezingenreeks van het DIA in samenwerking met onderzoeksgroep Environment & Society (UvA Geschiedenis)

Demonstratie van Fridays for Future in Duitsland

In de lezingenreeks 'Green Germany?' (juli - november 2024) staat de Duitse Umweltpolitik centraal. Op deze pagina lees je meer over de inhoud van de reeks en vind je alle lezingen op een rijtje. De voertaal van de bijeenkomsten is Engels.

Climate change is shaking German and European politics to its core. Virtually no aspect of economic, foreign and domestic policy is untouched by the rapid acceleration of environmental deterioration, and Germany is no exception. From the so-called “Energiewende” and the earlier “Atomausstieg” to the revision of Germany’s close ties to Russian energy producers; and from the far reaching domestic implications of “less globalization” debates to the question of how to implement these transitions politically – the German case is an important and instructive one, for Europe as a whole, and for comparative perspectives as well.

The DIA invites to an international Lecture Series to discuss these urgent questions which defy easy answers. In four guest lectures by experts from various DAAD centers in the world we will explore the complex ramifications of climate change for Germany, Europe and the globalized world and bring international expertise in conversation with Amsterdam colleagues, the local scholarly community and the city’s vibrant general audience.

Georganiseerd in samenwerking met de research group Environment & Society (Amsterdam School of Historical Studies, UvA), met ondersteuning door Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst.


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