Lezing | The Sensitive Society

Veranstaltung des Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam

Datum: Donnerstag 6 April 2023 um 20:00 Uhr
Ort: Collegezalencomplex, Mercatorpad 1, Radboud University, Nijmegen
Information: Taal: Engels
Zugang: Standaard deelname €7,50. Zie beschrijving voor overige prijzen en kortingen
Lezing | The Sensitive Society
© Radboud University / Shutterstock

Hoeveel rekening moet je houden met de gevoelens van een ander? Gevoeligheid is een kenmerk van een gezonde samenleving, maar niet zonder weerbaarheid en veerkracht, stelt de Duitse filosoof Svenja Flasspöhler. Want mag er altijd van je verwacht worden dat je aanvoelt hoe de ander benaderd wil worden? Kom op 6 april luisteren naar Flasspöhler, en denk mee over de toenemende sensibilisering van de maatschappij.

To what extent should you keep the feelings of others in mind? Sensitivity is a hallmark of a healthy society, but not without durability and resilience, argues philosopher Svenja Flasspöhler. After all, should you always be expected to sense how the other person wants to be approached? At the moment, she says, there is too little room for resilience and durability, and we are risking going overboard with oversensitivity. This fragments our society, because we only want to talk to like-minded people in our own bubbles. Come and learn from German philosopher Svenja Flasspöhler, about the increasing sensitisation of our society.

Svenja Flasspöhler shows in her latest book 'Sensibel' that we increasingly demand empathy from each other. General codes on how to deal with each other no longer seem sufficient and require rewriting. After all, you don't want to deny anyone's feelings. But where is our resilience in a world where feelings increasingly form the basis of our actions?

It is a great thing that we are increasingly mindful of people's differences and consider identities that differ from the white male norm. Being mindful of gender identification, cultural background and sensibility around these issues enriches society. But in what relationship do sensitivity and resilience stand to each other? Where does our hypersensitivity come from?

Svenja Flasspöhler talks about how sensitising society can be an essential factor of progress, but only if we are also resilient. After the lecture program manager Liesbeth Jansen will moderate the conversation. Come and ask your own questions too.

About the speaker
Svenja Flasspöhler is a German philosopher, journalist, writer and former editor-in-chief of Philosophie Magazin. Today, she is editor-in-chief of Literature, Art and Humanities at Deutschlandradio Kultur. Her book 'Forgiving' was nominated for the prestigious Tractatus Preis.

Participation costs € 7,50 | RU employees, Alumni Benefits Card-holders pay € 5,- | Students and pupils and Radboud Reflects-subscribers have free admittance.


This is a program of Radboud Reflects and RDEIO, Uitgeverij Ten Have and DIA.

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